Word Verifier & Pattern Solver

See if Words Exist

Stuck on a crossword puzzle where you have some of the letters in the word, but can't quite finish it? Not sure if your opponent has played a valid word in a game? Not sure if you've thought of a word but wonder if it exists in a specific game's dictionary? The A2z Verify Word helper is ready to help by finding out if it exists! The Word Solver is ready to help out by finding possible words that fit either the exact letters you've input or it can find possible words that match with those missing letters.

Just enter your known letters pattern and optionally use the '?' as wildcard characters for the unknown spots, and hit the Search button. The Word Finder will unscramble matching words to these letters within our extensive dictionary words set. There are over one million words and phrases to look through within the various dictionaries you can choose from! Just let us either verify the exact word, or else solve for words that fit into your wildcard letters pattern.

Need more help? Letters into Words also provides word unscramble Word Finders full of power plays that will boost your word game skills to the next level. Use our Scrabble type game word finders to find high-scoring plays; or if you know which letters you need help with, just browse the special Scrabble words below:

For true crossword junkies, see the NYT Crossword, LA Times Crossword, USA Today Crossword, Crossword Heaven or Washington Post Crossword puzzles.

Looking for more help? Our tools also provide word scramble lists full of power plays that will boost your word game skills to the next level. The Word Finder utilities have a large set of word lists for word building games in multiple languages and game flavors that you can select under advanced options. Use these powerful Scrabble words and hidden letter finders to solve for high-scoring plays; or if you know which letters you need help with, just browse the special Scrabble words below:

Word Lists for Playing Scrabble